DG Multilingual Services offers quality translation services to help your business go global by reaching your customers in their own language.

DG Multilingual Services offers quality translation services to help your business go global by reaching your customers in their own language.

DG Multilingual Services at the International Trade Expo 2014
On the 10th June 2014 Daniel González, from DG Multilingual Services, visited the International Trade Expo in Liverpool. The International Trade Expo was a 2-day exhibition with the aim of providing a one-stop advice service for UK Businesses who trade (or are thinking of trading) internationally.
This event was part of the wider International Festival of Business 2014, which will be holding a wide range of high-profile business events during June and July 2014.
"The visit to the exhibition was fantastic, and it allowed me to network with companies interested in growing internationally, as well as with other Language Service Providers. Apart from this, there were extremely interesting talks by David Solomons and Keith Warburton on the importance of thinking like your customers, and adapting your ideas and your style to their language, their culture and their psychology. Both speakers have extensive experience in working with companies that export their products and services abroad, and their examples did a fantastic job to show how even big corporations can make mistakes. It was also very surprising to see that some companies still believe that Google Translate can provide a professional translation, and many exporters don't even think about adapting their campaigns to the country where they want to sell, based on the specific culture. However, after these enlightening talks, people realised how important it is to take care of these areas if international success is to be achieved.

I also had the pleasure to attend the talk by Lord Bilimoria, founder of Cobra Beer. His experiences and advise were absolutely priceless".
The International Festival of Business aims to increase the number of UK companies exporting abroad.
According to statistics from UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), companies that export see a 34% increase in productivity within their first year of exporting, and are 11% more likely to survive. However, only 1 in 5 SMEs is currently exporting, and therefore there is a huge potential that is not being taken advantage of.
DG Multilingual Services offers tailored services that can help you to grow your business abroad. We can help with consulting services, translation of websites, marketing material, instruction manuals, etc. Furthermore, we can also link you up with companies in your target country, and therefore make your job of finding clients abroad as easy and straightforward as possible.
If you are looking to increase your sales from international customers, please get in touch with DG Multilingual Services and see how we can help. If you are starting out, quote "Export2014" and you will get a 15% discount on your first translation. Think Local, Go Global.